What is
TRR Academy?
TRR Academy 是专为房地产中介和经纪人量身打造的全方位学习项目,由九位拥有丰富实战经验的导师团队带领。在他们各自的专业领域中,这些导师为学员提供指导,传授实用技能和宝贵经验,帮助中介们快速成长、有效提升业务能力。课程内容涵盖从基础知识到高级策略,互联网,人性心理学的方方面面,助力学员在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出,成为更具竞争力的地产顾问。
TRR Academy is a complete training program designed for real estate agents & negotiators. It is led by a team of 9 expert mentors with hands-on industry experience. Each mentor shares practical skills and valuable insights within their areas of expertise, empowering agents to grow quickly and enhance their business skills. The program covers everything from foundational knowledge to advanced strategies, including internet marketing and human psychology, helping agents stand out in a competitive market and become top-performing property advisors.
Why TRR Academy?
Agent To Legend Programme
An extensive programme made for Real Estate Agents
training programme
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10/3/2025 - 12/3/2025
training programme
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(BM Version)
In 2019, 8 ATLP(s) had been organised.
Each was attended by over 90 real estate agents.
Total of 922 agents have been transformed, coming from all walks of career and ethnicity,
experienced / or / new
leading a team /or/ personal sales
beginner /or/ top producer
in fact, many of our past attendees are top producers in personal sales and team leaders in agency, the sessions are fully engaged through real-industry case studies and practical excutions.
When you finish the 3-Days Programme,
here's what you get:
Negotiation Skills that are relevant in current market practice
Technical Proficiency that can immediately execute
Personal Branding - going beyond just marketing
In-depth real-market case studies
The Power of Leverage...with a lot of teammates ready to brace the property market together
ONE MESSAGE is all it takes, to make a CHANGE
Let us share, and you decide